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Infertility Support Group

Infertility. You probably don’t want to talk about it.

I get it. It hurts. People say insensitive things like “you’re so lucky you get to sleep in whenever you want” and “enjoy this time before kids” and “you’re trying too hard, if you’d just relax…” or "My sister in law tried this amazing thing...." I know. I tried talking about it for awhile, and I gave up on it too. No one seemed to understand. So I stayed quiet. And alone. For a really long time.

I don’t want that for you, my friend. I don’t want you to stand there in the office of some high-faluting reproductive endocrinologist and think that you are on your own. I don’t want you to cry after another baby shower, wondering when joy will finally be yours, without a friend to turn to. I want you to know, no matter what, that you aren’t in this alone.

So we're starting a group just for you - a time to come together, share a meal and share our lives with other women who understand the struggles of infertility. After we eat, there will be a very short, sweet, and encouraging message and we'll pray together.

We'll meet once a month on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 in the C3 Ministry Center (enter at the East Entrance).

April 9

C3 Seniors Potluck Lunch

April 10

Free Coffee Wednesday