C3 Discipleship Pathway
Sunday after Sunday, you've heard us ask two questions: what is God saying to you and how will you respond? As a church, that really is at the heart of who we are as we pursue God, engage with other believers, and partner with the world around us. But that said, all of us are in different places on our journey to answer these questions and embody these values, and sometimes knowing how to go after them can be or feel complicated.
C3’s Discipleship Pathway isn't exactly linear and there's no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to following Jesus. The Pathway is simply a way of finding yourself within this house that we call Centralia Community Church. And it's an invitation to move deeper into our family. We encourage you to move at your pace in a way that matches your journey and in the timing that fits your capacity.

Join the life of Centralia Community Church.
Move at your pace, in the way that matches your journey, and in the timing that fits your limits. You are welcome here.
C3 Gatherings
Sunday mornings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. It is in these moments together that we collectively embody Jesus and His Kingdom.
Space and time dedicated to deeper learning and spiritual formation. Gather with us for one of our seasonal weekend or midweek classes to engage with teachings about Scripture, discipleship, finance, parenting, and more.
Gather with us for one of our seasonal weekend or midweek studies designed for deeper learning and understanding of the Word of God with applications for everyday life.
A most valuable resource, and one, when spent in the service of the Kingdom of God, never returns void.
We want to partner with Jesus to support our local and global community and our church family. We dream of becoming a church marked by radical generosity.
Places to serve and partner in ministry with the C3 Family. See our current opportunities and needs.
C3 supports organizations and individuals both locally in Lewis County as well as around the world. Is God leading you to offer support through prayer, finances, and/or serving?
C3 supports organizations and individuals locally in Lewis County as well as around the world. Is God leading you to offer support through prayer, finances, and/or serving?
C3 Community Groups
Refresh Community Groups are the way we gather during the week around the table to be the people of Jesus in our city. We eat together, pray for one another, and share life together. It is in these ordinary rhythms of life that we become more like Jesus. As we live and work in proximity to each other, we are able to partner in the mission of God to see his Kingdom come in Lewis County as it is in heaven.
At C3, we love to have fun! These groups are low-key and focus on activities to do together while engaging in Christ-centered relationships.
You are loved and never alone. We offer groups that provide healing and support.