This Week’s Program

January 05, 2025

Welcome! We are glad you are with us today. For those in person, our greeters and ushers are here to help you if you have any questions. If you’re watching online, our live stream host will be happy to help you get connected! For more information, browse our website and connect with us on our Facebook or Instagram page. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we would love to help you take your next step.

  • Welcome! We invite you to complete a Guest Card - if you’re in person, you can drop the green card off in the offering box at the back of the Sanctuary or at Guest Central - we have a free gift for you! You can also text NEW to 360-727-0048 and follow the prompts. We'd love to know your name and get a chance to meet you.

  • If you have a prayer request or would like to update your information, please fill out our C3 Community Card. We’d love to connect with you and pray for you by name for any requests you might have.

  • THE JOURNEY ~ Life is a journey; we’re choosing to follow Jesus. We’re stripping away the excess - allowing God to speak identity and fullness of life into us. We’re preparing our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits - trusting God to fill, restore and renew us. And we’re walking with Jesus - creating habits, rhythms, and structures to help form us to be more like Him. Join us on this journey in 2025.

    C3 WINTER GATHERING~ On Wednesday, January 15th at 6pm, we invite you and your family for a meal and a time around tables as we explore how unique we all are and how our different stories can flow together to create a beautiful sculpture. Register your group so we can have enough food!

    FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY ~ Register for our winter financial class. Financial Peace University presents practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! 9-week study begins January 22nd at 6pm. Cost is $80 for materials (per person or per couple). No childcare available. Facilitated by Arny Davis

    BEMA DISCUSSION GROUP ~ The BEMA Podcast is a walk-through of the context of the Bible and the Text itself, as well as surrounding history. We deconstruct our common readings of the Bible and attempt to reconstruct them through the lens of historical context. On Sundays (starting Feb 2) after the morning service, we will meet in the Youth Center to discuss the podcast, explore new topics, revisit old topics, and dive deeper into practical ways of living out the things we have learned together. Register to join the BEMA Discussion Group

    YOUTH WINTER CAMP ~ Join us as we gather together at Double K Retreat and Adventure Center to enjoy snow, spend time together, and dig into God's Word! Camp starts on Friday, February 14th at and ends on Monday, February 17th. Registration closes on January 31st.

    CANNON BEACH WOMEN’S CONFERENCE ~ The 2025 Cannon Beach Women's Conference will be on May 2-4 and you can reserve your spot now! Go here to register.

  • I have a prayer request.

    PNA Prayer Ministry

    Prayer sheet/prayer request list. This living document of prayers and praises is updated weekly and sometimes daily as requests as made. Check back often!

  • We want to partner with Jesus to support our community and our church family. We dream of becoming a church marked by radical generosity.

    Give directly to CCCOG a one time or recurring gift

    Text any amount to 84321 to give to CCCOG. Standard message and data rates may apply.

    ► Download the Church Center app and find Centralia Community Church. Once connected, you can manage your giving securely and conveniently using your iOS or Android phone.

    Mail your check to the church office (3320 Borst Ave. Centralia, WA 98531)

    Monthly Giving (through Sunday, December 29, 2024)

    Tithes & Offerings: $44,299

    Missions Giving: $1,714

    Christmas Eve Offering: $276

  • Sunday after Sunday, you've heard us ask two questions: what is God saying to you and how will you respond? As a church, that really is at the heart of who we are as we pursue God, engage with other believers, and partner with the world around us. But that said, all of us are in different places on our journey to answer these questions and embody these values, and sometimes knowing how to go after them can be or feel complicated.

    C3’s Discipleship Pathway isn't exactly linear and there's no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to following Jesus. The Pathway is simply a way of finding yourself within this house that we call Centralia Community Church. And it's an invitation to move deeper into our family. We encourage you to move at your pace in a way that matches your journey and in the timing that fits your capacity.

  • TEXTING GROUP ~ Text the word UPDATE to 360-727-0048 to be added to our C3 Updates Group! This group will get periodic texts from a staff member with information and links about upcoming events. And, as always, you can always come here to the program to get the details!

    C3 YOUTH SUNDAY MORNINGS ~ On Sundays, C3 Youth starts in the Sanctuary and is dismissed after worship. From the Sanctuary, we then go to the Student Center in the gym. At the end of service, youth are released to find their parents independently. All 6th-12th graders are welcome to join us and no check-in is needed for these ages.

    PRAYER GATHERING ~ On Sunday mornings at 9am in the conference room or on Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the Sanctuary, we invite you to join us for a time of prayer; praying for our church, elders, pastors, and community. All are welcome.

    FOR MEN ONLY SUPPORT GROUP ~ FMO is a men’s purity accountability group meeting on Thursday evenings in the conference room. For more information, call the church office at 360-736-7606 or email.

    REFRESH GROUPS ~ There’s something for everyone - find a small group that fits in your schedule and get connected!

    BIBLE PROJECT CLASSROOM ~ Sunday mornings after the service in the Green Room, we invite you to an open forum discussion based around Bible Project's Classroom "Heaven/Earth". This weekly Sunday morning class is open to anyone and is seminary-level content for everyday Christians.

    C3 SENIORS POTLUCK LUNCH ~ Make plans to bring your favorite dish to share and join us as we have a time of connection, worship, and celebration. We meet every month on the second Tuesday at noon in the Family Room just off of the Sanctuary at C3.

  • C3 Community Groups, Refresh, have started! Check out the groups that are currently accepting new members!

  • C3 will have a mighty impact in our community when we, as God’s people, move towards living into our giftedness. We encourage you to step out in faith and show Jesus’ love to others by exercising the spiritual gifts with which God has blessed each of us. See where you can get involved!

    Search our Service and Ministry Opportunities page by plugging in your gifts or identify needs based on age or time of ministry! Get connected today!

  • Sign up for our e-newsletter! Get recommendations on books/studies/podcasts that have made an impact in our lives (as well as upcoming events at CCCOG!). E-newsletter is sent out every other week.

    E-newsletter archive

  • We encourage all of those connected with CCCOG to download the Church Center App! This app features a one-stop place to Give (or manage your Giving), find a Group, Register for events, or quick links like Moravian Text, the Digital Program, and the Connection Card! On the Google Play or Apple Store, search "Church Center" by Planning Center.