We invite senior adults for a potluck lunch on the 2nd Tuesday at noon! Make plans to bring your favorite dish to share and join us as we have a time of connection, worship, and celebration. We meet every month in the Family Room just off of the Sanctuary at C3.
We invite you to join us for our Annual Meeting and Celebration on Wednesday, March 26th at 6pm as we both reflect upon and anticipate the work of God through this upcoming year at Centralia Community Church. We will also be ratifying the Elder Board and Property and Finance nominees and the 2025/26 ministry budget. Mark your calendars and register (dinner is provided!) for this important time in the life of our church!
Many hands make light work! Join us, C3 church family, on Saturday, March 29th starting at 9am for a morning of beautification of our CCCOG facility! We’ll have tasks available for all ages and abilities - help us spruce up the grounds inside and out!
At Happy Day Learning Center, our mission is to provide the highest level of learning, love, and care for the future leaders of the world. Join our team and become a preschool or toddler teacher. Now is your opportunity to make a difference! Email Shelby with your cover letter and resume.
Let’s celebrate Early Release for Centralia Schools! Students are welcome to come get a free 16oz hot or iced drink! *The first Wednesday of the month during the school year*
Living in a broken world we all deal with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. No one should have to face their struggles on their own. This Support Group is connected to a Celebrate Recovery group meeting every Friday night. We meet at 6pm at Grace Foursquare for dinner. Following dinner we have a time of fellowship, worship, teaching & prayer. Join Misty Weeks on your journey!
If you have made a commitment to follow Jesus, we encourage you to get baptized! Please attend our short baptism class in the Conference Room on Sunday April 6th right after service to get more information about this important step in your faith journey. Our next Baptism Sunday is Easter Sunday, April 20th. Baptism brochures are available at the Resource Center or online.
The BEMA Podcast is a walk-through of the context of the Bible and the Text itself, as well as surrounding history. We deconstruct our common readings of the Bible and attempt to reconstruct them through the lens of historical context. The main body of work is contained in Seasons 1–5, and we encourage you to start with episode 0 (or even -1) and continue in order through episode 204.
On Sundays after the morning service, we will meet in the Youth Center to discuss the podcast, explore new topics, revisit old topics, and dive deeper into practical ways of living out the things we have learned together.
Open forum discussion based around curriculum from Bible Project's Classroom ("Heaven/Earth"). Seminary level content for everyday Christians. Led by Devon LeBaron after the morning service in the Green Room.
We invite senior adults for a potluck lunch on the 2nd Tuesday at noon! Make plans to bring your favorite dish to share and join us as we have a time of connection, worship, and celebration. We meet every month in the Family Room just off of the Sanctuary at C3.
What is God saying to C3 through scripture? C3 invites the entire church family to read the scriptures for the coming year (2026) with at least 1 partner. Groups can choose a section (or multiple sections) and then we will come together to share reflections and insights in what we are hearing from God through scripture on Sunday, April 27th at 11:30am. Register today!
2025 Cannon Beach Women's Conference will be on May 2-4 and the total cost is TBD. This includes the conference with speaker, your hotel stay, transportation, and breakfasts/dinners. $100 deposit is due by Friday, January 31st. Register today as limited spots are available!