Evangelism- What To Say

Written by Nicole Longnecker

Jesus spent His life sharing the good news.  It’s at the center of His heart- because people who are far from Him are at the center of His heart.  So, as I look to take His word into my day to day, I come to this:

“Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master.  Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you’re living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy.  Keep a clear conscience before God.”  I Peter 3:15-16 The Message 

Here in I Peter, I see four keys to help me engage in evangelism right where I am: 

Keep your heart fixed-  

There are two reasons for this- a heart fixed on Christ won’t be so very worried about the opinions of everyone else.  A heart fixed on Christ wants what He wants, which is more sons and daughters to love- more people to experience the riches of His grace.  

And the second reason?  The crux of the good news that you and I have to share IS Jesus.  His goodness.  His presence and hope in our lives.  If you think you don’t have much to share, start seeking Him.  Get in His word.  Spend time in prayer and worship.  If you need help, there are many good resources available.  Out of your relationship with Him flows absolutely everything else- including evangelism.  

Be ready to speak up- 

Before I had kids, I worked in a small community bank.  We’d been trying to get pregnant with no success for several years.  In my mind, that was just part of my personal life.  I was not aware that my coworkers were watching me closely as I bounced from infertility specialist to infertility specialist and received difficult report after difficult report.  Until one Tuesday, when one of them pulled me into her office.  “I don’t know how you do it.” she said.  “You just keep smiling, you just keep hoping, you just keep going.”  To be honest, I was not feeling awesome about my circumstances, and I did not feel like the best version of myself in that season, but something (however weak) in my struggle to trust God had sparked something in my friend.  She shared some struggles of her own, and I was able to share a little of the hope I have in Jesus- not the hope that everything would work out the way I wanted it to, but the hope that He would never leave me, that even in the hardest places, He would work out His good purposes for me.  

You never know when someone might ask you about your life.  You never know when the Holy Spirit might just nudge you to speak up and share about your life.  It takes courage, but the person sitting across from you is worth the risk. 

With utmost courtesy-

The two Greek words here translated courtesy can also be translated kindness and respect.  We care about people because Jesus cared about people.  He showed respect and kindness by sharing meals with those that most observant Jews wouldn’t be seen speaking to in public.  He invited fishermen and tax collectors to follow Him- to belong to Him- and then He shared the good news with them.  He invites us today to be His friends and to follow His example in inviting more friends into His kingdom.  

In 2022, the insurance company Cigna surveyed 20,000 Americans and found that nearly 60% suffered from loneliness- they reported feeling isolated and unseen.  What if the most powerful thing we could do as ambassadors of God’s kingdom in this moment in history was to be present with people?  Listen to their stories?  Invite them into our lives and into our homes?    

Keep your conscience clear-

None of us lives a perfect life, but we can live a life that is surrendered to God.  I am convinced it’s that “yes” on the inside of us that makes the difference.  Evangelism doesn’t come naturally to me, but in my heart, I want to follow Christ more than I want anything else.  My “yes” helps me overcome my fear.  My “yes” helps me consider how God is leading me even today, to reach out and share His love with the people He brings into my life.  

That doesn’t mean I’ll always get it right.  In fact, the God who invites me knows I won’t get it right- and invites me to walk along and learn from Him.  

“Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”  Mark 1:17 NLT  

He will show us!  I’m saying yes.  How about you?  Are you with me?  

Call to Action:

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us.  We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”  2 Corinthians 5:20 ESV

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 ESV

“Jesus called out to them, “Come follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” Mark 1:17 NLT 

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is one step I need to take this week to keep my heart fixed on Christ?  Do I need to spend time daily in prayer?  Reading Scripture?  How can I go deeper?  

  2. Who is watching my life?  How might I look for opportunities to share the hope that I have in Jesus with them?  Am I willing to ask the Holy Spirit to lead me this week?   

  3. Who in my life might be lonely?  How can I reach out to them this week?  

  4. Am I ready and willing to say yes to what God wants to do in and through me?  What might be holding me back?  Am I willing to surrender whatever that is and say “yes”?  


The Power of Your God Story

