Because YOU Said So

Have you ever said to your kids, “Because I said so?”  I have.  It’s usually at a point of exhaustion and I’m done giving explanations.  I just want them to do what I say!

I’m incredibly grateful for the grace and mercy of Jesus.  He doesn’t get exasperated with me.  I remember one time, when my kids were teenagers, I was so incredibly frustrated with them.  I had asked them to do some things.  I felt my requests were reasonable and clear.  They weren’t doing what I asked.  I remember praying and I literally said, “Lord, I just want my kids to do what I ask them to do, when I ask them to do it.”  You know what Holy Spirit’s response was to me?  “Yea.”  That was it!!! That’s all he said to me.  Yep, sometimes God’s sense of humor is just rude! Hahaha.

Just this week I heard someone describe the voice of God in this way:  It’s like the GPS in your car (or on your phone).  It maps out a route and it tells you that route.  However, if the GPS says turn right and you turn left, what does it do?  “Recalculating”, right?  It re-routes you.  You’re going to take quite a bit of additional time to reach your destination if you keep making turns not suggested.  However, the GPS will continue to re-route.

Luke 5:4-5 - “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”  In other translations it says, “Because YOU said so”.  

Can you hear the slight angst in Peter’s voice and yet he wants to be obedient?  In studying, I looked up the phrase that Peter used, “we worked hard”.  You know what it means?  To feel fatigue, to be weary, exhausted.  Have any of us felt that?  Especially in the last 2+ years?!  A passage with similar phrasing is in Matt 6:28 where Jesus is talking about us worrying about provision.  Then in Matt 11:28 Jesus says, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  As I read this passage, what stood out to me was that Jesus didn’t say do it because I said so.  He simply gave the instruction and left it for the disciples to decide what they would do.  

Jesus loves me and wants the best for my life (as well as you).  He knows exactly what that best is and what it looks like in my life.  He has a path and a plan for me.  If I pray, and listen, he’ll give me those directions, those plans although sometimes it’s only the next step.  I don’t have a fancy car or a newer car so my GPS is on my phone.  A GPS app.  I can only see the next direction that the GPS is giving me.  I don’t know all the directions at one time.  I only know the next left or right or “continue on” that it gives me.  Yet, I trust that each of those “next steps'' is getting me to the correct final destination. As God gives me next steps, I can choose alternate paths.  God will recalculate as necessary (the still small voice of Holy Spirit) to get me back on track.  But I won’t hear “Because I Said So” from him.  Peter had a few experiences with Jesus.  Sometimes Peter followed the course, as in this story, and sometimes Peter took an alternate route.  But Jesus continued to love Peter, to guide Peter, and to walk with Peter.  

I want to be that child of God, that Christ Follower that says, “Jesus, because YOU said so, I will do it.  I have courageous faith and step out, even when I’m scared or uncertain.”  What will you step out and do BECAUSE HE SAID SO?

Call To Action—Pray, read and reflect on:

Matthew 6:19-34

Matthew 11:25-30

Luke 5:1-11


What do you hear Holy Spirit asking you to do?

What does courageous faith look like in your life?

Have you made any “wrong turns”? How do you course correct?


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