March 2023

Often, when we talk about change and transformation in Christian circles, we focus on what happens in the hearts of an individual when they encounter Jesus. But Jesus doesn't just move individuals. He also changes communities. This past year has taught me what can happen when a group of people humble themselves, listen to God, and then obediently respond to His nudging.  

This Year-End report is personal for me.  

I have never been an interim pastor before this year. I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived in Centralia 13 months ago. I didn’t know I would have the privilege of watching the Holy Spirit transform this beautiful community at the corner of Borst and Eshom.

I didn’t know I would get to witness 19 baptisms in a little over a year. Or people gathering weekly to pray for our church and community.

I couldn’t anticipate seeing Sunday attendance increase 40-60% over a year.

I couldn’t forecast seeing a new small group ministry begin that is already reaching dozens of people. Or foresee nearly 150 people taking a gifts assessment, some going on to serve in ministry.

There have been many milestones in our C3 family in the past 365 days. A resumption of Summer Sports Jam. A successful mission trip to Mexico. Groups of people reaching out to minister to the poor and isolated in Lewis and South Thurston counties. This year, I have been blessed to work alongside a board of elders creatively committed to the health and growth of Centralia Community Church of God. I have been inspired by a staff who care for the people they serve and are consistently looking for ways to spur us on toward love and good deeds. And I have been wonderfully surprised to witness first hand how the grace of God can work to knit together a group of diverse people into a large family committed to the great commandment and great commission in our neighborhood.

In a few weeks, Devin Burton will be your new lead shepherd.  Devin has a good heart and is committed to impacting our community with the Good News of Jesus.  Let him challenge you, and then commit to finding your role in serving Jesus with the gifts he has given you. 

And watch what God can do!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Mike



April 2022-March 2023

Church Services & Classes


Community & Connection









2022/23 Approved Ministry Budget


2022/23 Projected Ministry Expenses


2023/24 Proposed Ministry Budget


Board of Elders

3-year term (two consecutive terms permitted)

  • My name is Jenny Bauska (pronounced Boss Key) and I have been at C3 a little over 7 years. I am a daughter of Christ, lover of family and friends, RN & Nursing Director at Centralia College and dog mom of two spunky Labradors. I was baptized at 12 years old, raised in a Christian home, and continue to be a work in progress 😊 I am so blessed to be in relationship with Jesus and the calling He has put on my life to be here at C3. I am up for ratification for a second term on the Board of Elders. I have been blessed to be part of this team and look forward to what God has in store for C3!

  • I have been a member and worshipped at Centralia Community Church since 1982. I met my future wife, Lisa while attending the CCCOG college age youth group. Lisa and I are the proud parents of three wonderful daughters and two grandchildren who are Christ followers also and active in their local churches.

    In January of this year, I retired after 34 years of state service in IT security and various executive positions. In my spare time I am an avid runner and have enjoyed many half marathons and running events on the west coast. I previously served on the Board of Elders from 2008 to 2014 and am a current member of the transition team.


Property and Finance Committee

2-year term (two consecutive terms permitted)

  • My wife and I started attending CCCOG just under 3 years ago when we moved to Centralia, and have enjoyed getting involved in the community and Illuminate Youth. For the past 4 years I have been working as a Forest Engineer for a private timber company managing contractors and budgets in order to successfully operate our tree farm.

reaching our community with the love of Jesus and raising up disciples who impact our world